
Contact Us

Contact us right now!

If you have inquiries regarding your bill, want to report a leaking in your area, or anything else concerning your account or the company, feel free to drop us a line below.

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Redress Mechanism

We are committed to provide efficient and sufficient water supply. At all times, we tried to exceed customers’ expectations. Above all, we listen, entertain customers’ complaints and we do our best to satisfy customers’ demands and requests. However, there may be instances that we could not live up to your expectations due to circumstances beyond our control.

If you are not satisfied with our service, your written/verbal complaints may be lodged at the Public Assistance Desk/ Customer Service Assistant at the Office of the Maasin Water District located at Brgy. Nasaug, Maasin City, Southern Leyte or you may contact us at telephone numbers (053) 381-2171; 381-2461 or email us at

Feedback Mechanism

In our efforts to improve the delivery of our services, feedback is very much encouraged in order for us to know how we have served the public by doing ahy of the following:

1. Accomplish our Feedback Form available at the Public Assistance Desk and drop it in our Mamayan Muna Drop Box.

2. Send your feedback through em-mail (

3. Approach and talk to our Customer Service Assistant at the Public Assistance Desk

Rest assured that all feed backs received will be strictly considered as confidential and will be used solely to continually improve our services.