
New Installation

Acceptance for Installation of New Service Connection
Service can be availed daily from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
StepAcceptance for the Installation of New Service Connection
Client  Person 
1Fills up ApplicationAssists the Client inApplicationMs. Minda Montilla10 minutes
 Form.filling up of theFormCustomer Service 
  application form Assistant 
2Waits and receivesChecks the ApplicationApplicationMs. Minda Montilla5 minutes
 the schedule ofForm and sets theFormCustomer Service 
 Orientation Seminarschedule of the Assistant 
 for new applicants.orientation.   
3Attends OrientationConducts OrientationAttendance forMs. Minda Montilla1 to 2 hrs.
 Seminar for NewSeminar to Newthe OrientationCustomer Service 
 Service Applicants andService Applicants.SeminarAssistant 
 Fills Up Logbook for    
4NoneConducts survey andFilled up applicationWater Maintenance40 minutes
  investigation of theduly signed by theMan 
  proposed new serviceapplicant  
5NonePrepares preliminaryPreliminary Sketch forWater Maintenance30 minutes
  sketch for the proposedthe Proposed NewMan 
  new connection andConnection and 
  estimates of materialsestimates of materials 
  needed for.   
6NoneComputes the serviceFilled up applicationMs. Minda Montilla5 minutes
  connection feesform with the preliminaryCustomer Service 
   sketch and estimates ofAssistant 
7Pay the new serviceReceives payment andFilled up applicationMs. Elsie G. Duarte5 minutes
 connection fee.Issuance of Officialform with the preliminaryCashier 
  Receipt.sketch and estimates of  
8NoneSubmits the applicationFilled up applicationMs. Minda Montilla5 minutes
  form to the Generalform with the preliminaryCustomer Service 
  Manager for approval.sketch and estimates ofAssistant 
9NoneSubmits the approvedFilled up applicationMs. Minda Montilla5 minutes
  application form to theform with the preliminaryCustomer Service 
  Technical Division forsketch and estimates ofAssistant 