Acceptance for Installation of New Service Connection |
Service can be availed daily from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
Step | Acceptance for the Installation of New Service Connection |
Applicant/ | Activity | Requirements | Accountable | Duration |
Client | | | Person | |
1 | Fills up Application | Assists the Client in | Application | Ms. Minda Montilla | 10 minutes |
| Form. | filling up of the | Form | Customer Service | |
| | application form | | Assistant | |
2 | Waits and receives | Checks the Application | Application | Ms. Minda Montilla | 5 minutes |
| the schedule of | Form and sets the | Form | Customer Service | |
| Orientation Seminar | schedule of the | | Assistant | |
| for new applicants. | orientation. | | | |
3 | Attends Orientation | Conducts Orientation | Attendance for | Ms. Minda Montilla | 1 to 2 hrs. |
| Seminar for New | Seminar to New | the Orientation | Customer Service | |
| Service Applicants and | Service Applicants. | Seminar | Assistant | |
| Fills Up Logbook for | | | | |
| attendance. | | | | |
4 | None | Conducts survey and | Filled up application | Water Maintenance | 40 minutes |
| | investigation of the | duly signed by the | Man | |
| | proposed new service | applicant | | |
| | connection. | | | |
5 | None | Prepares preliminary | Preliminary Sketch for | Water Maintenance | 30 minutes |
| | sketch for the proposed | the Proposed New | Man | |
| | new connection and | Connection and | | |
| | estimates of materials | estimates of materials | | |
| | needed for. | | | |
6 | None | Computes the service | Filled up application | Ms. Minda Montilla | 5 minutes |
| | connection fees | form with the preliminary | Customer Service | |
| | | sketch and estimates of | Assistant | |
| | | materials | | |
7 | Pay the new service | Receives payment and | Filled up application | Ms. Elsie G. Duarte | 5 minutes |
| connection fee. | Issuance of Official | form with the preliminary | Cashier | |
| | Receipt. | sketch and estimates of | | |
| | | materials | | |
8 | None | Submits the application | Filled up application | Ms. Minda Montilla | 5 minutes |
| | form to the General | form with the preliminary | Customer Service | |
| | Manager for approval. | sketch and estimates of | Assistant | |
| | | materials | | |
9 | None | Submits the approved | Filled up application | Ms. Minda Montilla | 5 minutes |
| | application form to the | form with the preliminary | Customer Service | |
| | Technical Division for | sketch and estimates of | Assistant | |
| | installation. | materials | | |