Acceptance of Payment and Issuance of Official Receipt - Water Bills |
Service can be availed daily from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
Step | Acceptance of Payment and Issuance of Official Receipt - Water Bills |
Applicant/ | Activity | Requirements | Accountable | Duration |
Client | | | Person | |
1 | Pays Water Bill. | Calls and Issues | Statement of Account | Customer Service | 5 minutes |
| | Official Receipts and | issued by the Meter Reader | Assistant | |
| | Receives Payment. | | | |
2 | Receives the | Gives the Customer | None | Customer Service | 1 minute |
| Official Receipt. | Copy of preprinted | | Assistant | |
| | Official Receipt. | | | |