
Services Offered

MAASIN WATER DISTRICT offers the following frontline
services to the residents of Maasin City and its neighboring towns.
No.Services OfferedRequirementsAccountableAvailabilityDurationFees
Personof Services
1Acceptance forFilled UpCustomerDaily4 hrs.none
 Installation of NewApplicationService Assistant8:00AM to  
 Service ConnectionForm 12:00NN  
    1:00PM to  
2Acceptance ofFilled UpCustomerDaily21 minutesa) P100.00 for
 Application forApplicationService Assistant8:00AM to closed w/in
 ReopeningForm 12:00NN 1 mo. Plus
    and arrearages
    1:00PM to b) P200.00 for
    5:00PM closed more
      than 1 mo. Plus
3Acceptance ofService Request FormCustomerDaily12 minutesnone
 Application forMaintenance OrderService Assistant8:00AM to  
 Closure of ServiceForm 12:00NN  
 Connection  and  
   1:00PM to  
4Acceptance ofServiceCustomerDaily7 minutesnone
 Service RequestsRequest FormService Assistant8:00AM to  
    1:00PM to  
5Acceptance ofMaintenance OrderCustomerDaily6 minutesnone
 Maintenance OrderFormService Assistant8:00AM to  
    1:00PM to  
6Acceptance of PaymentService RequestCashierDaily6 minutesVaries as to the
 and Issuance of OfficialForm and Contract 8:00AM to amount payable
 Receipt - Fees andForm 12:00NN  
 Charges  and  
    1:00PM to  
7Acceptance of PaymentWater BillCustomerDaily6 minutesVaries as to the
 and Issuance of Official Service Assistant8:00AM to amount payable
 Receipt - Water Bills  12:00NN  
    1:00PM to  
8Query on Water BillsWater BillCustomerDaily6 minutesnone
   Service Assistant8:00AM to  
    1:00PM to  
9Sale of MaterialsBill of Material/Serv.Customer ServiceDaily10 minutesTotal amount of
  Request, RequisitionAssistant, Cashier8:00AM to materials purchased
  and Issue Slipand Storekeeper12:00NN  
    1:00PM to  
10Sale of Water in BulkService RequestCustomerDaily10 minutesTotal amount of
  FormService Assistant8:00AM to water purchased
    1:00PM to  
11Rental of ConstructionService RequestCustomerDaily10 minutesTotal amount
 EquipmentFormService Assistant8:00AM to assessed by the
    12:00NN Customer Service
    and Assistant
    1:00PM to  
12Pipe Threading ServicesService RequestCustomerDaily10 minutesTotal amount
  FormService Assistant8:00AM to assessed by the
    12:00NN Customer Service
    and Assistant
    1:00PM to  